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Amounts of sweat lost during different sports
How much moisture do you lose when doing sports? There are various factors to consider, such as the sport, season, amount of exercise, your condition at the time, and individual differences, but it is possible to lose over 2 liters of sweat.
Take a look at the image below to see the amount of sweat lost by the body by sport:
Source: Nakai et al. 1993 H4 Japan Sports Association research report No. 8 48-87 & Yorimoto et al. University of Shiga Prefecture Bulletin, 1999 & Waku et al. Physical fitness science. 1991
How much should you drink when dehydrated?
It’s important to replace fluids at a rate that ensures that your body weight is not reduced by more than 2% through sweat loss.
According to research(*), when the body is dehydrated due to sweating due to exercise, you should note the following points:
(*) Source: Japan Sports Association, “Guide to Preventing Heat Stroke During Sports Activities”
The dangers of rehydrating by drinking water alone
If you only drink water, you cannot restore the fluids and electrolytes (ions) lost through your sweat, causing an imbalance in water and ions in your bodily fluids; your bodily fluids will become diluted. Your body will then try to prevent the fluids from thinning by causing you to stop feeling thirsty, excreting excessive amounts of water in the form of urine. This makes it impossible for your bodily fluids to be restored properly.
When participating in sports activities, you will easily sweat and dehydrate a lot. When the body loses water due to sports activities, let's choose the ion supply drink Pocari Sweat to promptly and accurately compensate for the amount of water and ions needed for the body. POCARI has a composition equivalent to the amount of body fluid lost every day and is absorbed into the body 2.2 times faster than water, helping to promote blood circulation and help restore the body's best status.