❤️ Pocari is being sold popularly at supermarkets, convenience stores, pharmacies, grocery stores or Buy online at: www.pocarisweat.com.vn/online-shopping. ❤️
After receiving the Covid-19 vaccine, there are often signs of fever, pain at the injection site, body aches and pains. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish water for the body, especially on hot days
Vaccines are designed to give you immunity without the risk of disease. This is not the case for everyone, but it is common to experience some mild to moderate side effects that go away on their own within a few days.
Some of the mild to moderate side effects you may experience after vaccination include:
When these symptoms occur, your body is unintentionally losing body fluids. Body fluids or body fluids are fluids in the human body. In a healthy adult body, total body water makes up about 60% of total body weight. The exact ratio of fluid to body weight is inversely proportional to body fat percentage. When body fluids are lost, if not enough to replace the lost amount. Our bodies can experience the following symptoms and can be dangerous:
To replace lost body fluids. Let's drink Pocari Sweat to replace lost body fluids. Because Pocari Sweat has an ion composition and concentration similar to body fluids, it is absorbed into the body 2.2 times faster than regular filtered water! Pocari also meets 5 green criteria of a healthy product: NO COLOR, NO CHEMICAL SUGAR, NO PRESERVATIVE, NO GAZ, NO CAFFEINE. Therefore, POCARI is the right choice for health.
Note: Pocari Sweat ion supply drink is only used for children over 1 year old who have been weaned, with normal health conditions. People with medical conditions that need to abstain from sugar and salt should consult a doctor or nutritionist before using Pocari.
Pocari Sweat Vietnam