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Adequate hydration is fundamental in all stages of life, especially in young children. When traveling by car, especially in the summer, you should know how much fluid young children need, as they can lose body fluids fairly easily. Heat leads to sweating and the need for rehydration. Compared to adults, babies and toddlers have a higher body temperature because they have a more active metabolism. Furthermore, the development of their sweat glands is incomplete and they cannot regulate their body temperature well. In places where the ambient temperature is hotter than the body temperature, such as in a hot car, their body temperature can rise in a short time to life-threatening levels.


1. Continuous water rehydration

During a car trip in the summer heat, your child may need to drink water more often. The heat causes the body to lose more fluid through perspiration and so the lost fluid must be replenished continuously. 

During the journey, these fluids should be given to children even if they do not ask for or feel thirsty. Some of the symptoms of severe dehydration are lack of tears, dry mouth or tongue, sunken eyes, gray skin color, little urination, and lethargy or irritability

2. The right temperature and clothes for the kids

Temperature is also very important. The high temperature inside the car increases sweating and as a result, the child loses fluids. You should also be aware that turning on the air conditioner can increase the risk of dehydration due to the dry air and low humidity caused by the air conditioner.

Therefore, children should wear appropriate, comfortable, not too warm, breathable clothing that is made of cotton and allows the child to move freely. The temperature in the car should be around 21 to 23 degrees Celsius, which is a comfortable temperature, neither too hot nor too cold for the child to move around comfortably. You should also make sure that the air conditioner does not blow directly at the child.

We recommend carrying Pocari Sweat ion supply in your car to keep your child hydrated throughout the trip. Because Pocari Sweat, with the same composition as body fluids, helps the body absorb water 2.2 times faster than regular filtered water. Not only that, Pocari also meets the 5 NO criteria: NO COLOR, NO CHEMICAL SUGAR, NO PRESERVATIVES, NO GAZ AND NO CAFFEINE, so it is safe for children with normal health, If the child has a medical condition that requires abstaining from salt, sugar, etc., the adult in the family should consult a doctor or nutritionist before giving the child use of Pocari Sweat properly.

Please rehydrate with Pocari Sweat ion supply drink to be healthy enough to take care of your little angels!


Pocari Sweat Vietnam